Monday, July 22, 2013

MOVIE: Sex Fight

I know a lot of you have been clamoring to see me in action, and I am proud to say your patience is rewarded at last! My new flick stars SufferingFrom Lockjaw (aka Suff from an extremely hot office set you might remember) and Keith Nyn, who directed the film. A cat fight sees Suff and I battle it out while Keith watches, and when she gets the upper hand on me, there's a price to be paid. That price? Her enormous strap-on. I return the favour, and then Keith joins us, for a hot, all-Canadian threesome. Here's some pics, and you can scroll to the end to see the movie!


  1. That was soooooo much fun;) I love anytime I get to play with Ivori, but on film was definitely a treasure;) Muah my Ivori:)

  2. First half of this set looks really hot ^^ Especially this screenshot:
